Simple and smart way to manage bills, set reminders and see “Expenses Vs Incomes” statistics for budgeting and saving.
• Bills, Expenses and Incomes statistics (past and future) to track how much you have been paying and saving each month - must for budgeting and saving
• Add notes when adding bills and payments
• AutoBackup Everyday
• Search bills using text in notes, bill names, or even search by due dates etc.
• Reminder to alert overdue, urgent and upcoming bills at your convenient time even when app is not running
• Attach bill receipts (using phone camera or using gallery)
• Update bill's recurring date
• Add, remove, edit bills categories. Create your own personalised Bill and Payment categories.
• Everything is stored on local device, including receipts.
• Backup and export to Google drive, Dropbox or any other cloud storage so that you will never lose the data and it’s easy to switch over to another mobile.
• Different colours for Payable and Receivables to make it easier to distinguish from other bills